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Helping your loved one improve their functional skills
adult man stretches the leg of senior man

Therapy services are also essential in hospice care. Through these services, patients can live most of their life by staying independent. Our therapists work with you to sustain your loved one’s physical functions and identify their hobbies and interests.

Physical Therapy (PT)

PT involves interventions that help improve body functions and maintain patients’ overall mood. This therapy focuses on getting rid of any physical discomfort your loved one may feel. With the help of physical therapy, your loved one can live stress-free and worry-free.

Occupational Therapy (OT)

OT is a holistic approach that aims to promote independence. With OT, your loved one can regain their needed skills to perform their necessary daily activities. The is creative intervention upholds your loved one’s dignity and freedom.

Speech Therapy (ST)

ST helps patients with speech and eating difficulties. This therapeutic intervention targets the root cause of talking and swallowing disruptions using modern tools and exercises. By allowing patients to improve their communication and eating habits, they can live the best of their lives.

Reach Us Out

Learn more about our therapists. Send us your queries using our contact form. Or, give us a call at 978-258-5637.